Church Pension Group | International Clergy Pension Plan — Non-Domestic Dioceses

International Clergy Pension Plan — Non-Domestic Dioceses

You’ll find information here to help answer your questions about the International Clergy Pension Plan and related plans

  • What determines the amount of my pension?
  • When can I retire and what are my retirement benefits?
  • What if I am between positions or working for a non-Episcopal or non-IARCA organization?
  • What benefits are available if I die or become disabled?

This redesigned, mobile-friendly course provides key information about your pension benefit and other benefits.


Approximately 20 minutes per module



Brief introduction and links to course modules.

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Pension Basics

Your pension benefit depends on a range of factors—many of which affect one another. Explore components in the Plan that determine whether you can receive a pension benefit, and if so, what the amount may be.

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Planning Your Retirement

Explore when you can retire with benefits and the retirement benefits designed for clergy and an eligible spouse.

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Survivor and Disability Benefits

Learn about short-term and long-term disability for you and survivor benefits for your family.

Launch Course

What if I am Between Positions?

Learn when, why, and how to pay your own personal Assessments, plus some guidelines about Extension of Ministry and Special Situations.

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