Church Pension Group | Province VIII

Province VIII

The Provincial Coordinators for Province VIII are The Rev. C. Colville and Mrs. Sylvia Smythe.

Diocese Chaplain

The Rev. Caroline Malseed


The Rev. Cn. Colville Smythe
Mrs. Sylvia Smythe


No Chaplain

Eastern Oregon

The Rev. Celine Burke
Mr. Dick Burke

El Camino Real

No Chaplain

Oahu and Kauai

Maui and Molokai
Continental US and International

The Rev. Bruce DeGooyer
The Rev. Cn. Frank Chun
Mrs. Norma Chun
The Rev. Heather Mueller
The Rev. Carol Arney


The Rev. Jennifer Anttonen
Mr. John Anttonen

Los Angeles
Deanery 9

The Rev. Cn. Susan Russell
The Rev. Reese M Riley

Navajoland No Chaplain

The Rev. Jody Lediard

Northern California

The Rev. Cn. Lynell Walker


The Rev. Edie Weller
The Rev. Kate Kinney
The Rev. Dick Loop


The Rev. Richard Loop
The Rev. Betty McWhorter
The Rev. Steve Norcross
The Rev. John Scannell
The Rev. Cn. Neysa Ellgren Shepley
The Rev. Morgan Silbaugh
Mrs. Charlotte Silbaugh

San Diego

The Rev. Tery Bull
Mrs. Candi Bull
The Rev. David Burgdorf
The Rev. Dn. Cindy Campos
The Rev. Cn. Andrew Green
The Rev. Dn. Susan Green
The Rev. Gaylord Hitchcock
Mr. John Whitlock

San Joaquin No Chaplain

The Rev. J.P. Carver
The Rev. Dn. Barb Carver

Taiwan No Chaplain

The Rev. Mary Janda