Church Pension Group | Province II

Province II

The Provincial Coordinators for Province II are The Rev. Robert and Sue Legnani.

Diocese Chaplains

No Chaplain

Central New York

Mrs. Kira Dirghalli
The Rev. Tom Margrave
The Rev. Jeff Knox
The Rev. Chris Day


The Rev. Dan Conklin

Long Island

The Rev. Cn. Pat Mitchell

New Jersey

Atlantic Convocation
Burlington Convocation
Camden Convocation

Monmouth Convocation
Northern Convocation

Trenton Convocation
Watchung Convocation
Woodbury Convocation

The Rev. Bob Legnani
Mrs. Sue Legnani
The Rev. Margaret Otterburn
No Chaplain
Mrs. Diane Close
The Rev. Patrick Close
The Rev. Mark Van Sant
The Rev. Cn. Leroy Lyons
Ms. Michelle Graham-Lyons

The Rev. Karin Mitchell
The Rev. Ann Holt
The Rev. Rick Civalier

New York

The Rev. Doug Ousley


No Chaplain


The Rev. Michael Hartney

The Virgin Islands

No Chaplain

Western New York

The Rev. Dn. Pat Guinn
The Rev. Cn. Earle King